What to Expect with Telehealth Services

Prior to Your Appointment
Complete your intake paperwork.
The paperwork was sent to your email address from ZH Healthcare, our agency's on-line portal. The email will be generated from our info@laurellife.com email address.
If you did not receive the email in your inbox, please check your junk mail.
If you still do not see the email, please call the office.
Find a private location for your session. If it is a family session or an evaluation where other family members need to be involved for parts of the session, it should be a place where they can discreetly join and leave the session with little disruption.
Your invitation may be sent to you up to a week ahead of time, from the specific clinician or from the office staff. If you do not have the Teams/Zoom invite by the day of the appointment, please contact the clinician or office staff for assistance.
Day of Your Appointment
Pay any co-pays or insurance costs. Call the office to discuss the payment process.
Check your technology and internet access prior to your appointment.
Make sure your device (cell, laptop, iPad, etc.) is fully charged and your internet signal is strong.
You may need to request other household members are off their devices during your session, or disconnect them from the internet so their activity does not impact your bandwidth.
Ask us if there are any apps that need to be installed before your session. (If you are new to Teams/ Zoom, it may take a few minutes to load the app so you may use it.)
For Your Appointment
Allow 1 hour for counseling sessions.
Allow 1-2 hours for an evaluation by a psychiatrist or psychologist.
Allow 15-30 minutes for a psychiatric/mediation management.
If the appointment is for any individual under the age of 14 years-old, both the child and the parent or guardian must be available for the appointment, unless the clinician directs otherwise.
If the Teams/Zoom invite needs to be sent to multiple email addresses, please notify the office staff and/or clinician of this at least 1 week prior to the appointment.
Please have any notes, questions, and reports with you when the session begins.
At the end of your session, please ask any remaining questions you may have and confirm any follow up appointments.