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Success Stories:

"As a result of the Laurel Life Transition Classroom we have seen a significant positive change in our building environment. Parents want their child in the program because many are seeing their child be successful for the first time. Laurel Life program staff have created a communication and cooperation bridge between parents and the school. The Laurel Life team approach provides individualized support based on the needs of every student.


~ Dr. Tod Kline Waynesboro Area School District Superintendent

"I just wanted to let you know how fabulous our guest speaker was at our faculty meeting.  He was knowledgeable,  engaging, and obviously an expert. Furthermore, I know he inspired a follow teacher to reflect on how she was dealing with a particular student. After the faculty meeting, this teacher has made a great effort in understanding her student and engaging with him more effectively. In response this student thrived this week. I hope he can come back and continue to inspire staff and help them to engage with "problem" students in a more positive manner."



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