JUMP Wellness Program

Looking for an effective way to provide clinical interventions for a child or adolescent with behavioral needs?
JUMP Wellness Program Overview
The JUMP Wellness Program is an interagency team consisting of a Juvenile Court Judge, a representative of the District Attorney's Office, a representative of the Public Defender's Office, a Juvenile Probation Officer, an Intensive Mental Health Case Manager, a Youth Mentor, and a Family Therapist. JUMP is an intensive, graduated phase-based program focusing on building trust, gaining responsibility, competency development, achieving accountability, and providing community protection. All juveniles will participate in individual, group, and family counseling, organized community services projects, recreational activities, and Court reviews when needed. Services are held in the home, school, and placements through empowerment of the family.
The JUMP Wellness Program is designed to provide evidence-based mental and behavioral health services to juveniles involved in the delinquency system. This program serves youth at any level involved in the juvenile justice system. The youth and family must voluntarily accept services and will be screened by the treatment team for acceptance. Youth will be referred to the Program by the Adams County Juvenile Probation Department or the Public Defender’s Office.
The length of the program will vary based on the needs and motivation of the youth. Every juvenile and their family have individual needs and the Team will work to tailor an effective, individualized treatment plan. Services will initiate as soon as the youth is accepted into the program and their case is processed by the Court.
Program highlights
​Services are provided in the home, school and community. Includes individual, group, parenting and family counseling services.
Family Therapy, Juvenile Probation, and Mental Health work as a unified team in all phases of the program from initial assessment through treatment planning and delivery to discharge.
Services are provided at no cost to the family.
The program networks with the community, family, schools and psychiatric service providers to facilitate coordination of treatment.
Crisis intervention services are provided 24 hours/7 days a week.
Case Management services are provided to access appropriate, available services for the youth/family.
Outcomes Measured
Post-treatment placement
Reports of consumer satisfaction
Decrease in inappropriate behaviors which prompted the referral
Increase in positive, adaptive behaviors
Increase in pro-social behavior​
Areas of intervention
Individual/family and couples therapy
Monthly group counseling for parents
Monthly/bi-monthly group life skills training for juveniles
Financial, employment, and housing assistance
Parental skills training
Conflict resolution
Community service
Probation Discretionary Sanctions
Communication skills training
The JUMP Wellness Program is financially supported through local county government funds, local Behavioral Health Managed Care funding, and/or grants.
The JUMP Wellness Program is a collaboration between County Human Service offices and Laurel Life, a division of Folium Inc., a private non-profit organization.
Success Stories:
My likes on Stage 3 include having Greg on my side to remind me of who I am and that I can grow from my mistakes.
Arijah L.

JUMP Wellness is available at this location

Adams County
2020 South Queen Street
York, PA 17403
FAX: 717-718-4229